Friday, April 18, 2008

The Race To The Big Day Continues

I rented a carpet cleaning machine yesterday and cleaned the carpets in anticipation of the BIG SHOWER EVENT. Aimee thinks that this is tremendously funny. "Mom, they are not coming to see your carpets!" She is quite right, but they might accidentally notice that they haven't been cleaned for about two and a half years. I think that this is like the nesting instinct. Many women, about 72 hours before they are going to give birth, run nilly willy through their homes cleaning ferociously. This is the reverse-birth-cleaning/nesting-bridal-shower-instinct. Abby and I even took the cans to recycling earlier this week. Is anyone going to check the aluminum can count? No, of course not. It is totally IRRATIONAL and UNREASONABLE, but I am doing it anyway.

Abby willingly cut the grass and pulled two grocery bags of weeds from the front yard for me. She also cleaned all the doggie doo from the backyard. (What if the guests wander out there in the '40 degrees and breezy' weather? Will they be seeking little piles of doggie doo?) I think she deserves a prize when this is over because I have been shorting her on attention on school mornings as well. Additionally, she took Aimee and Brent's engagement photo which was sent out in the invitations and will be in the paper this weekend. Probably a three foot chocolate trophy engraved with the words, "World's Best Little Sister," would be appropriate. She and Mr. Sinta also went shopping for me to find neat little canvasses and easels to put up neat quotations that fit the couple as decorations at the party. (Abby is painting those too. Maybe we should call her, "St. Abby.") They are kind of brainy and intellectual, so that suits them. We will also have crepe paper, the Target Club Wedd Candle and a few roses.

Did I mention that I think a whole lot of people are coming? I have given loads of parties. I have learned that most people completely ignore an RSVP, and to plan on 50 percent or so attending, no matter how many you invite. I am not sure what to think of this party because I have had the highest RSVP rate that I have ever had. Of course, none of the college students have called, but I did not expect them to. I did not really expect anyone to respond, it was just on the printed invitation so I filled in my phone number. I think that someone responded yesterday who was not invited, and I am delighted. We are kind of open about parties. We also called and invited by phone someone we inadvertently forgot. She was very sweet and not offended at all.

I hate shower games, so we are just playing one game and giving several prizes. I have picked out unique and special prizes at Walmart. I cannot reveal them to you now, but later I will, dear readers. HA! HA! HA! It was funny just to purchase the prizes. Part of the game involves having everyone write down lots of advice for Aimee on a variety of topics. Someone did that for me once at a baby shower, and I still have the pieces of paper in a baby book. Way cool. There will be about three women at the party who have each been married over 50 years. I am thinking that they will have very good advice. It will really take no skill to win the prizes, so even the college students will have the opportunity to take home something really fun, as long as they can write their names.

Here is the extra fun-fun part: everyone gets to take home a little bag of chocolate. That's what I 'm talking about.

P.S. The other part of the race is that I am incredibly busy at work, and there is a women's retreat at church that I am signed up just one week from today. Will she make it? Will she get a second wind? Will she sprint to the finish?

As the Minnesotans say, "Yah sure. You betcha!"


Airport Gal said...

I can't wait to read about the shower! I love the part about picking 2 bags of weeds out of the yard! Boy, oh boy, can I ever relate! And you're absolutely correct! Who would even notice? And if they did, oh well!

Mrs. Sinta said...

Thank you, A.G.
Miss Jenn A. noticed, but only because she reads my blog, but God bless her anyway! I am not exactly sprinting as I boasted. I am kind of dragging myself off to Curves. I may skip the retreat.